Ridgeview Medical Center
Service Line Structure Lays Groundwork for Surgical Care Improvement
Leaders at Ridgeview attribute achievements in surgical care to the hospital's organizational culture and service line structure. Referred to as The Ridgeview Way, the hospital's systems, structures, and processes are designed to provide evidence-based care and enhancep atients experiences. The hospital also collaborates with quality improvement organizations at the state and national levels. For a small, independent organization such as Ridgeview, these partnerships provide valuable access to quality improvement resources and opportunities to work with peers.
Performance Improvement Strategies
- Begin each initiative by sharing clinical evidence that the best practice yields a better patient outcome.
- Augment traditional medical staff structure with a service line structure, in which each service line is co-managed by at least one physician leader and one administrative leader; charge the physician leader and administrative leader with enhancing the level of service provided, improving health care outcomes, and enriching the patient experience.
- Engage operating room staff in team training exercises focused on creating an improved environment for patient care and efficient dispute resolution process.